Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Judgey wudgey was a bear cont'd....

After I posted this (I had to go because Olivia REALLY needed a nap!) I thought of something I wanted to add. Women do the best they can with the circumstances they're given. My mom WANTED so bad to breastfeed me, but she couldn't produce enough milk. She could have kept trying and kept trying and I would have kept losing weight. She CHOSE to give that up because she thought it was better for me to have formula and not be hungry. Similarly, I WANTED to have natural childbirth. Not only because I've read it's better for the baby, but also because I wanted the full "Mommy experience" of bringing my child into the world by myself. I had to have a c-section. Soon after her birth, one of my frienemies made a snide remark about it. She felt that I should've waited (Olivia was born two weeks early) because Olivia could have flipped (Olivia was breech). I told her that yes, John and I could've waited till the full 40 weeks, hoping that Olivia would flip around. Unfortunately that wasn't an option for us because my placent had failed and we had to have an EMERGENCY c-section because Olivia couldn't breathe! It was NOT the birth I wanted at all, but do I regret it?? That's a crazy question! My baby could have died and I thank God everyday that we had access to the technology that saved her life. People should not judge until they know all the facts about a situation. I'm still getting crap about having a c-section because "so many c-sections are unnecessary". Yes, some are. Mine wasn't.


  1. I don't think that c-sections are as bad as some women make them out to be. I feel like women still bond with their baby no matter what! The group is listed on FB as "birth without fear". They are the women who also freebirth--have their kids at home with NO medical intervention. That scares me so badly! I just feel like there are too many possible things that could go wrong at home.
    Plus I know that I am NOT woman enough to free birth at home. =/ I will happily go to the hospital and take the doctor's advice on the best way to birth my future baby. Honestly, I want to be pregnant and to have a baby, but I am TERRIFIED about actually giving birth!!!!!!!!

  2. I was too, Courtney, and I think all women are! I understand the mentality behind having home-birth and in all my breastfeeding books, they basically made it sound like women do NOT bond with their babies AT ALL when they have "unnatural births". I'm not just talking c-sections either, I'm talking about ANY kind of medical intervention (induction, epidurals, etc.) Don't listen to what anybody says. I had to have an emergency c-section to save Olivia's life and I did NOT hesitate. I was TERRIFIED, but all that mattered was her. The only way we even knew anything was wrong was beccause the last time I had an ultrasound, she was breech. The doctor told me that she had flipped, but I just had a feeling. I INSISTED on another ultrasound and they found out that she was still breech and my placenta had failed and there was no water in there for her to breathe. Two hours later, I had her. I was drugged, in pain, WASN'T the first one to get to hold my baby (EVERYONE in my family held her first!) and they handed her to me and it was...magic. Don't listen to what other women say about c-sections. You bond with your baby no matter what! My mom had to have one too (I was also a breech baby) and she and I were tight like crazy growing up and we still are! I've breastfed Olivia successfully (which breastfeeding books made sound IMPOSSIBLE for women who have c-sections) Do what's best for you and don't listen to ANYONE else! They don't know what they're talking about.
