Thursday, December 1, 2011

Up all night....

So this week John is working the third shift at his job (11pm-7am). I'm not 100% sure, since she IS teething, but I think this change is kind of bothering Olivia. The two last nights (not including last night, but the nights before) she was having a REALLY hard time going to sleep--she just absolutely DID NOT want to! Last night, I had a really easy time getting her to go to sleep, so I thought she'd sleep good, but she was up EVERY two hours! It got to where I didn't even get bothered by it. I'd just get up, zombie-walk over to get her, nurse her for 10-15 min, and put her back to bed. I guess I'm getting back into the "newborn" rhythm and it just doesn't bother me anymore. Anyway, I talked to my mom about it this morning and she said she read that I'm not supposed to feed her at night because she'll get into the habit of eating again at night. I'm not sure, but I think that info is for formula fed babies, which makes sense because formula is for feeding and nothing else. I said I wasn't going to be getting back on facebook (and I'm still gonna try to stick to my guns about commenting on people's posts and walls, and not updating my status), but I just HAD to ask my friends on this breastfeeding page (The Leaky B@@b, isn't that hysterical??) to see what they think. I think a lot of times people who haven't breastfed assume bf and ff babies are the same and they completely aren't. I even thought last night that maybe the reason Olivia was getting up so much was because I wasn't producing enough milk to satisfy her, so I made a couple ounces of formula to "fill her up". She drank a tiny bit, refused the majority of it, and then nursed herself back to sleep after that. I really don't think it's the FOOD she wants at night. I think it's the comfort of it--the nursing, and me holding her close, etc. because her teeth are hurting her. Poor baby... :-/

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