Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Judgey wudgey was a bear....

So I'm a fan of TODAY Moms on facebook and they're always posting these really neat articles for moms. You know, like: "Arsenic found in apple juice!" And "Are people who DON'T vaccinate their kids being irresponsible?" things like that. Today they declared it as "Judgement free day" and moms could post what they're tired of being judged about. I posted that I'm really tired of being judged for how I feed Olivia. I'm mostly breastfeeding her, though I do supplement with formula. I don't do it during the week much because we're both at home all day, but on the weekends, when my parents and I take her out, I usually give her formula. I get kind of a two-fold judgement on me... On the one hand, my dad kind of HATES that I breastfeed her. Not sure what exactly his problem with it is, although I suspect it's because it means he can't feed her as much. Or maybe it just makes him uncomfortable because it's my BREASTS! Anyway, I don't really feel comfortable breastfeeding her in public, so I usually take a bottle and formula for her like if we go shopping or to the mall or anything. That means I get judged by breastfeeding mom-nazis who are like "FORMULA IS SATAN'S MILK!!!!" Apparently, though I didn't know this (my mom COULDN'T breastfeed me and I had to have formula) I am poisoning my daughter by giving her formula. Anyway, I was reading the comments the other moms were making and it basically boiled down to: Breastfeeding moms v. Formula moms, Stay at home moms v. working moms, corporal punishment moms v. timeout moms, vaccinate v. don't vaccinate. Everyone was complaining that the other group was judging them for what they were doing. It seems so strange to me! I mean...each group has valid points, reasons, concerns. Nobody on there was like "I'm going to purposefully sabotage my child by psychologically, physically, and emotionally damaging them by giving them formula (working, staying at home, breastfeeding them as toddlers, spanking, co-sleeping with them, etc. etc. insert what you want) Everyone is doing what they think is best for their children or what they're able to do. Yes, I really want to be a SAHM, I GENUINELY do! I love getting to spend that time with my daughter. We can't afford it right now, I'm going back to work (hopefully). Some people can afford it, or can't afford daycare, so they stay home. No biggie. Why are we SO concerned with what other moms are doing?? Why do we judge? I think it's a woman thing. We're always judging what we're doing based on what other women are doing. If something another woman is doing makes us feel bad about our OWN choices, we have to judge them for it. Who cares? Live and let live! We should be supportive and celebrating our differences as mothers (and women) instead of belittling and judging!

1 comment:

  1. That's CRAZY!! My SIL couldn't produce milk and HAD to use formula because Bryson wasn't getting enough nourishment from her. She took all of these crazy vitamins and ended up smelling like syrup-all just to try and feed her child!

    I follow a website and they're all about free birth and how c-sections and drugs are bad. My doctor has already told me that I may not be able to have a vaginal delivery and these people think that's terrible. They are already making me feel judged for birthing a child I'm not even pregnant with yet!

    I do totally agree with you that we should all celebrate our differences in parenting instead on jumping down each other. =)
