Saturday, November 19, 2011

Homework. Bleh!

My parents took Olivia today and John's at work. This means that for the first time since she was born, I'm completely alone at the house. I needed them to take her so I could finish homework I have leftover from a class I was taking in the summer. The class ended July 4 and my due date was July 6. What could go wrong, right?! Anyway, she was born two weeks early and I'm WAY behind in finishing the work. I feel so bad for my professor because she's been so kind about everything and I feel like I'm totally taking advantage of that and I don't MEAN too! Anyway, I got everything done today that I possibly can and am just waiting to hear back from her about some articles I need to read. I'm still further along than John (who was taking the class with me). What the heck was I thinking taking a graduate level history class when I was 9 months preggo?! And what the heck were John and my mom thinking letting me do it?! I mean...I was pregnant, obviously not in my right mind. What's their excuse?
Anyway, I kind of thought I'd enjoy being by myself, but I just miss the baby. My mom said she'd bring her home in about an hour and I was like "Just go ahead and bring her." The house is all quiet and lonely without her. I can't imagine what it'll feel like when she moves out when she's 18! No wonder people have "empty-nest syndrome". Especially SAH mom's. They prolly feel like they're going nuts! Sometimes when I'm with her, I daydream about the days when I was just completely by myself and could do whatever the heck I wanted. Now I just want my baby back! I miss her!

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