Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Operation Baby Nursery

So on Saturday we officially moved Olivia into her crib in her nursery. We had tried to do it when she was 4 mos, but she didn't like it because she was going from her bassinet to her crib in an unfamiliar room and she didn't like that at all. I didn't mean for her to be in our room for so long, but the transition seems to be going okay. The first night she ended up not being able to go back to sleep--there was too many interesting things to look at in the nursery when I was trying to nurse her back to sleep. It's gotten better each night since--except for last night. I dunno what happened last night, but she woke up several times and eventually I just got John to bring her downstairs and have her in the bed with us. She still didn't sleep very well and kept waking me up. Needless to say, I'm not feeling so great today. I do like having her moved out of our room though, in some ways. On the one hand, I liked having her close by. It made me feel more comfortable. I want her to be able to sleep by herself in her own room and feel secure though and, as John has constantly been reminding me, it's much better to transition her while she's too little to really know the difference. I can't help thinking about those kids that I babysat over the summer before last. They slept in the bed with their mom for their WHOLE life! The dad had to sleep on the couch and whenever Lydia took a nap, if she woke up and was in a room by herself she would FREAK OUT! I definitely don't want that for Olivia--too emotional for everyone involved. It's nice having the room to ourselves again. We can talk in a normal voice before going to sleep and can watch movies in bed at night again, which we haven't been able to do since Olivia was born. John says it "feels like we're actually married again", which is very true. I didn't know what an impact having her in our room made, but apparently it was quite a big one. She's doing so well, she's very adaptable. So proud of my big girl! :-)

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