Thursday, January 12, 2012

Not sure which one of us CIO more!

So last night I got totally fed up with Olivia. Her sleep patterns have been erratic at best since we moved her into her crib--she's actually only slept one whole night since we moved her. She usually ends up in our bed or asleep in her swing in the living room with us on the couch or some variation of those things. I have gotten prolly two GOOD nights sleep in two weeks and one of those was only because John was nice enough to stay up with her in the living room. Anyway, last night she just wouldn't go to sleep. We did her nighttime routine, everything was the same, but she just wanted to party. I got fed up and decided to just let her cry it out. I've read about the technique--most of my friends with kids have done it and it worked, they recommend it to me, and, to be perfectly honest, I didn't think it was any big deal. She was clean, fresh diaper, freshly fed, etc. There was NOTHING wrong with her, so I figured it would be fine. She cried for an hour. We did what the technique said and checked on her every ten minutes. I picked her up once, which I wasn't supposed to do and John called me out. The other times I just tried to comfort her. It was HORRIBLE! It was the worst thing I've done since....well since ever. She was just laying there with tears pouring down her face, reaching out to me. This morning she's tired and needy. She doesn't want me to put her down or leave her alone at all. John says we need to stick with it--it's supposed to take three nights to work, but I just don't know if I can do it again! I just sat downstairs listening to her cry for me and I was sobbing and it was just terrible. I want a good night's sleep, but not at the cost of my daughter's emotional well-being. On the other hand, experts say it's good for babies. It supposed to teach them to self-soothe so they can fall asleep by themselves. My mom never let me "cry it out" and I was always afraid to sleep by myself (I still am sometimes!) I don't want Olivia to feel that way, but I don't see how letting her cry by herself in the dark is the answer either. I've heard it works, if you stick with it, but I just don't know if I can stick with it long enough for it to work. What if it damages the relationship and the trust I've built with her over the last six months? What if I DON'T do it and she's too dependent on me? My mom always said she wanted to raise me to be independent, but her over-closeness has made it the opposite. I'm not independent at all! I just don't know what to do. I want to do what's best for Olivia, I just don't know what that is......

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