Saturday, January 7, 2012

Sometimes I feel like a single mom....

Okay, that's not EXACTLY true. I mean...John works to pay the bills and when he's home, he spends a lot of time with me and Olivia and helping me with Olivia (most of the time, I mean...I still feel like I do the bulk of the work even when John is home), but I feel so frustrated sometimes. Like today--he was supposed to go with James to work on his car after he got done doing the physical test for a job he's interviewing for. That was fine. He told me that he was going to be done about 5pm, but when I talked to him, he said that James had been screwing around and they were JUST getting to Trussville to work on the car and it would actually be closer to 8pm or 9pm. That would be fine, except I've been home with the baby all day everyday BY MYSELF for a week. I feel really lonely and I NEVER (very rarely) get a break from Olivia and being a mom. Most of the time, that's how I want it--it stresses me out when somebody takes care of her other than me, but I'd like John to WANT to be home with us. I'm not going to make him spend all his free time with us, but shouldn't he WANT to? This isn't how I thought being married with kids would be......

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